ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 7 Key Terms and Concepts

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ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 7 Key Terms and Concepts


ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 7 Key Terms and Concepts

 Define the following Key Terms and and answer the following Concepts:

authoritarian leadership style, coercive power, cohesiveness, contingency approaches to leadership, democratic leadership style, designated leader, functional roles, groupthink, hidden agenda, information power, laissez-faire leadership style, norms, position power, referent power, relational roles, reward power, self-directed work teams, style approach to leadership, task roles, team, trait approach to leadership, virtual team, work group.

  1. Identify the kinds of communication that distinguish a group from a team.
  2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face and virtual teams and describe ways to address the disadvantages.
  3. Compare and contrast various approaches to leadership, leader–member relations, and power distribution and explain their impact on teams.
  4. Identify and apply guidelines for effective communication in teams with regard to roles, goals, norms, cohesion, conformity, and creativity.

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This question is taken from BUSAD 152 – Business Communication » Fall 2021 » Assignments