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Final Discussion
For the final discussion please tell me what was the most inspiring thing you read this semester – what author or lecture or writing moved you the most and why? Tell me about your experience in the class – was a positive one? what could have been better? Dive in!
As educated minds, you have a responsibility to share your knowledge with others and also gain the humility to know that none of us know everything there is to know. A mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open.
It is easy to be cynical; it often seems cooler to jump to the negative. Optimism should never be confused with naivete. It takes work to always look at the half-filled glass as opposed to the half-empty one, but if all reality is subjective what other way is there?
And lastly – Remember: everything you will ever need in life you already have.
A man walks down the street and come upon a beggar who asks the man for money. The man notices the beggar is sitting on a trunk. “What is in the trunk?” asks the man. “Don’t know, I been sitting here for years and I never looked inside.” “Why don’t you?” The beggar opens the trunk and sees it is filled with gold.
A construction worker complains everyday when he opens his lunch bucket. “Not bologna again, I hate bologna!” One day his co-worker says to him, “Why don’t you ask your wife to make you something different? And he says, “Oh, I’m not married, I make my own lunch.”
Final Discussion
For the final discussion please tell me what was the most inspiring thing you read this semester – what author or lecture or writing moved you the most and why? Tell me about your experience in the class – was a positive one? what could have been better? Dive in!
As educated minds, you have a responsibility to share your knowledge with others and also gain the humility to know that none of us know everything there is to know. A mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open.